Embrace Growth and Confidence

Our dedicated team of experienced mentors is committed to guiding and empowering you at every step of your personal and professional development.

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How Can We Help You

One of the main benefits of our mentoring service is that it provides individuals with the opportunity to learn from the experiences and wisdom of other individuals that will be mentoring them. YNG mentoring service in partnership with Resi care will be helpful for those who are seeking to improve their communication skills, build self-confidence, or develop a new outlook on life,


Mentoring 1-1

Mentoring 1-1 - Our personalized mentoring service offers a transformative one-on-one experience...


Building Confidence

Our empowering program designed to help individuals cultivate self-assurance and belief in their abilities...


Person centered Therapy

A compassionate and empathetic approach that places the individual at the heart of the therapeutic process...


Guidance and support

Our dedicated service offering expert advice and unwavering encouragement...

6Quality Mentoring
2Happy Clients
2Mentorship Completed

YNG Mentoring Services

Mentoring 1-1

Mentoring 1-1 - Our personalized mentoring service offers a transformative one-on-one experience...
The Essence of Person-Centered Therapy

Person centred Therapy

A compassionate and empathetic approach that places the individual at the heart of the therapeutic process,

Building Confidence

Our empowering program designed to help individuals cultivate self-assurance and belief in their abilities, providing practical strategies...

Guidance and support

Our dedicated service offering expert advice and unwavering encouragement, guiding you through life's challenges...

Violence intervention

Our proactive and compassionate approach aimed at breaking the cycle of violence, providing timely and targeted support to...

Gang intervention

Our comprehensive and community-driven program focused on breaking the allure of gangs, offering mentorship...

Meet Our

Meet our team of dedicated support workers will ensure that every individual reaches their full potential; leaves with a feel good factor and is empowered to make clear conscious decisions as a result of mentorship through Yng Mentoring Services.

Chris Reid

Coach & Mentor

Colin Walker

Coach & Mentor

Peter Walker

Counsellor & Mentor

Lois Stewart

Coach & Mentor

Julia Auld

Project Manager

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